Beulah Quaynor

Beulah’s journey in the migration industry started in 2011 as an Administrative Officer. She eventually became a Registered Migration Agent began in 2017 after completing a Graduate Certificate in Australian Migration Law & Practice.

Beulah enjoys providing expert administrative assistance, which has always been an essential part of my career journey. She has worked in the disability and healthcare sectors over the last few years, but has recently found her way back into the migration industry, where she hopes to help as many clients as possible.

Originally from Ghana, Beulah lived in New Zealand for a few years before calling Australia home in 2008. She enjoys singing and watching movies in her spare time.

Simon George
Simon George
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Firstly, thank you to Leanne, Lennie, Debbie and Dan & of course any of the Emergico team that I did not deal with directly but that also helped with my visa application and questions over the years. Secondly, the reason I'm writing this review is because I've just received my 457 visa and that would not have been possible without Emergico's help over the past few years. I am extremely grateful and wish them all the best moving forward and feel that that the saying 'credit where credits due' really applies here. Thank you!