Many visas will require applicants to have a certain level of English language ability.
The IELTS test examines an applicant’s ability to speak, listen, write and read in English. Scores range from 1 (non-user) to 9 (expert user). Skilled and employment visas require IELTS scores over 4.5; with a score of 8 attracting the most available points on the GSM Points System.
Some visas require a minimum score (eg. 5) in all 4 bands – while other visas require only an average score across bands.
Results Are Valid For Two Years
If you need to undertake an IELTS test, in most cases the results are valid for 2 years. The same test result can be used for your visa, your skills assessment and registration requirements if applicable.
Obviously, the minimum IELTS score you need is the lowest one which will satisfy all requirements. So – if for example your chosen visa requires an IELTS of 4.5; but to register as a professional you need a score of 6.0; then 6.0 is your aim. IELTS tests can be undertaken in many locations around the world.
Contact us for more information – we will be happy to help.