If you’ve researched the Aged Parent Visa, you’d probably be aware that the minimum age for the primary applicant is currently 65.
Miigration legislation draws that age from the legislated entitlement to the Aged Pension in Australia. Shortly, the Australian Government will commence a series of progressive increases in the quailfying age.    From July 1, the age will be 65 years and 6 months.
The flow on effect of this is that people who want to apply onshore for an Aged Parent Visa after July 1, will not be able to do so unless they are at least 65 years and 6 months.
This is the case for both the non-contributory, and the contributory aged parent visas.
This could well affect many people, who are planning such a visa and might be approaching age 65. Now is a good time to re-evaluate your plans.
Why not contact us at Emergico Migration if you’d like to talk about Parent Visas – our expert agents can help you cut through the red tape!